Natural ingredients. Powerful peptides.
Turn the skin on to support the natural production of vital skin health proteins. Activated Silk™ peptides are clinically proven and naturally derived. From the bioactive library at Evolved By Nature — pioneers in peptide chemistry.

Activated Silk™ 27P - α Pro-collagen

Activated Silk™ 8A - α Visible Hyperpigmentation Reduction

Activated Silk™ KDF - β Protection & Repair
Activated Silk™ 33B - α
Nothing boosts the barrier like the barrier itself.
- A water soluble peptide that works in places ceramides and petrolatum cannot
- Supports the natural production of claudin, boosting the skin barrier’s ability to maintain tight junctions between cells for hydrated, happier, healthier‑looking skin
- Prevents signs of irritation and premature aging such as fine lines and wrinkles
Introducing Activated Silk™ 33B-α — the bioactive peptide that supports healthier, younger looking skin for all skin types, and is even proven effective against symptoms associated with eczema-prone skin.
Nature always beats petrochemicals. And Activated Silk™ 33B-α is water soluble, so you can use it in formulations where synthetic ingredients like petrolatum and ceramides cannot be used.
While those synthetic ingredients coat the skin to mask symptoms, Activated Silk™ 33B-α turns the skin on, supporting the natural production of claudin to boost the barrier.
And the peptides stay on the skin after rinsing, so Activated Silk™ 33B-α can effectively be delivered in rinse-off products like soaps and cleansers.
94% of people who used it report younger, healthier looking skin.04 But try a free sample for your formulations and see for yourself.

Activated Silk™ 33B-α Claims
- Clinically proven to support skin health
- Reduces signs of aging
- Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Improves the appearance of skin firmness
- Reduces the appearance of redness in as little as 7 days
- Significantly reduces TEWL in as little as 7 days
- Improves skin hydration in as little as 7 days
- Improves skin moisture barrier
- Improves skin barrier integrity
Activated Silk™ 27P - α
The only natural pro‑collagen peptide on the market.
- Supports natural production of collagen Type 1, the most prominent and valuable form of collagen in the dermis
- Faster acting than traditional collagen ingredients. Clinical efficacy in as little as 14 days05
- Makes skin visibly firmer, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, won’t irritate even sensitive skin
Everyone knows about collagen, but do you know about the best way to get it? Introducing Activated Silk™ 27P-α — the bioactive peptide for visibly plumper, brighter, smoother looking skin.
While retinols do a great job of stabilizing existing collagen, they also do a great job of irritating the skin. Especially with UV exposure.
Activated Silk™ 27P-α does a different job. It turns the skin on to support the natural production of new collagen Type 1. It’s the natural way to actually amplify the collagen matrix, and it’s non-irritating no matter the skin type.
It’s not about chasing youth. It’s about how surprisingly beautiful and healthy skin can look when you reduce the visible effects of premature aging. And 100% of people who use Activated Silk™ 27P-α agreed.05 Try a free sample in your formulation and see for yourself.

Activated Silk™ 27P-α Claims
- Supports natural collagen Type 1 production
- Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Reduces the appearance of redness
- Skin appears firmer after using product
- Skin appears more elastic after using product
- Skin appears healthier and younger after using product
- Does not irritate skin
- Can be used on sensitive skin
- Can be used during day / in sunlight
- Suitable for use around eyes
- Pairs well with other skincare ingredients
- Can be used in common formulations, including aqueous
Activated Silk™ 8A - α
The future is bright. And less hyper-pigmented.
- Reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation
- Increases the appearance of skin brightness
- Safe for sensitive skin
Introducing a naturally derived, tone-boosting peptide that makes unreliable vitamins and chemical peels a thing of the past. Activated Silk™ 8A-α turns the skin on to visibly reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and blemishes and brighten skin.
Activated Silk™ 8A-α supports the natural proteins responsible for clearing out dull and damaged skin, making way for new, rejuvenated and healthier-looking skin.
It’s the gentle, natural way to visibly enhance the evenness and radiance of skin, like an exfoliation from the inside out, powering a bright future of new formulations.

Activated Silk™ 8A-α Claims
- Reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation
- Increases the appearance of skin brightness and radiance
- Reduces the appearance of skin blemishes
- Soothes and calms the appearance of skin redness
- Stable in formulation
- Safe for sensitive skin
- Gentle for daily use
- Safe for use in formulations beyond night creams
- Naturally derived
- Sustainable 01
- Biodegradable
- Not formulated with petrochemicals
- Cruelty-free certified
- Made from upcycled materials
- Made from renewable resources
- Made with renewable energy
- Non-GMO
- Supportive of a circular economy
Activated Silk™ KDF - β
The first peptide designed to fight modern skin stressors.
- Increases natural regeneration rate of skin
- Protects skin from external aggressors and oxidative stressors
- Reduces the appearance of symptoms associated with eczema-prone skin
Today’s environment has introduced new oxidative stressors to our skin, resulting in effects like dullness, hyperpigmentation and accelerated aging. While legacy skincare ingredients like hyaluronic acid, retinol, and vitamin C happen to address some symptoms of oxidative stress, they were not designed specifically for the problem.
Activated Silk™ KDF-β is a first-of-its-kind ingredient, developed specifically to help skin adapt to today’s evolving environmental challenges. In a class of its own, this bioactive peptide solution offers greater repair and protection to skin’s epidermal layer by increasing the natural regeneration rate.
Activated Silk™ KDF-β supports skin’s natural differentiation, a process that replaces old skin cells with new, vibrant ones. As a result, skin cells spend less time exposed to external aggressors, and skin recovers from damage more quickly.
Increasing the skin's natural regeneration helps to reduce the appearance of dry and flaky skin, skin redness, and the appearance of symptoms associated with eczema-prone skin.
Activated Silk™ KDF-β also supports the natural production of beneficial skin health proteins: involucrin for elasticity, filaggrin for hydration, and claudin for skin barrier integrity. Delivering these supportive proteins further helps to strengthen the skin barrier and protect against external aggressors and oxidative stressors.
Overall, Activated Silk™ KDF-β increases skin's natural keratinocyte differentiation, for skin rejuvenation that's scientifically proven, more natural and more sustainable.01

Activated Silk™ KDF-β Claims
- Increases natural regeneration rate of skin
- Reduces the appearance of skin redness
- Reduces the appearance of dry and flaky skin
- Reduces the appearance of symptoms associated with eczema-prone skin
- Supports natural skin-health proteins
- Improves skin barrier integrity
- Safe for sensitive skin
- Gentle for daily use
- Naturally derived
- Sustainable 01
- Biodegradable
- Not formulated with petrochemicals
- Cruelty-free certified
- Made from upcycled materials
- Made from renewable resources
- Made with renewable energy
- Non-GMO
- Supportive of a circular economy
01The manufacturing of Activated Silk™ technology contributes to achieving 8/17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. For more information, visit sdgs.un.org/goals
02Compared to petrochemical ingredients.
03Activated Silk™ peptides are naturally-derived. For more information on NATRUE approvals, see www.natrue.org
04Based on a clinical study of 32 subjects using 2% Activated Silk™ 33B-α in a leave-on product over a 28-day use period.
05Based on a clinical study of 19 subjects using 0.5% Activated Silk™ 27P-α over a 28-day use period.
06Based on a clinical study of 18 subjects using 0.5% Activated Silk™ 8A-α over a 28-day use period.
07Based on a clinical study of 17 subjects using 0.5% Activated Silk™ KDF-β over a 2-day use period.